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Podcasting at a University – Podcast Transcript 10 February 19, 2007

Posted by Jeff in Podcast Audio Equipment, Podcast Transcript, Podcasting, University Podcasting.

The Links and Transcript to “10 – Podcasting at a University” (4:58) released February 19, 2007 (click here to listen):

The Links:
Educause Session Here
• Presentations: https://jdfrey.wordpress.com/presentations

The Transcript:

J.D. Frey here, and you’re listening to the why and how of podcasting. I’m speaking this week at the southwest regional educause conference in Austin texas and for those of you listening that are going to the conference; I plan on talking about three main things.

One – What university podcasting departments are being asked to do, with examples.
Two – The step-by-step process of podcasting.
and Three – The technical requirements of podcast studios with setups for different budgets.
I will of course be podcasting the session in it’s entirety next week. So I won’t go into details now, but I did want to give you a quick bottom line podcast about the main points around the first topic… What university podcasting departments are being asked to do. Through research, surveys, discussions with peers, and personal experiences, I put together a little list of the top reasons to podcast at a university.

First, universities should be podcasting courses. There is research that this in fact does not hurt the students or class attendance, but actually helps the learning experience. Past that, there are five main reasons to podcast at a university. Counting down,

Number five is faculty, then staff, three is students, then alumni, and the number one reason to podcast… admissions. If you think about it, it’s all person based. The things I mentioned aren’t really so much reasons to podcast as people to podcast to. First, potential students, because what is a university without students. Then, past students and donors, because again, what is a school without resources. You then podcast to current students attending to enhance their existence. Staff, who make the university run, and then don’t forget faculty, for without them, there would be no courses or classes.

I skip over this people point in my talk, choosing to give examples of the different podcasts from other universities… and I’ll be sure to put a link to each of those examples in my transcript next week. But the point is, podcasting at a university is all about the people.

Since I want to podcast my session, and they don’t record the audio at this conference, I have to record it. I have a lot of different options available, strait to hardrive, bring my roland multitrack, I have an Edirol R-09, and just got a Zoom H4 Handy Recorder… but… I decided to take an M-Audio Microtrack. It will record WAV or MP3, about two hours of mp3 at the settings I wanted, and it sounded the best when I hooked up a wireless lapel microphone that I had. I’m going to leave it on the presenters table with the wireless receiver and wear the lapel to record with. You’ll get to hear it next week if all goes well.

That “how” of podcasting is something to remember. If you don’t want to be tied to a microphone and you want to record a presentation or speech. Buy a wireless mic and set that next to a computer with an audio out of the wireless to the audio in of your computer. Open up a piece of recording software, and check the levels. Before you start talking, hit record. It’s a very easy way to ‘share’ your audio presentations.

Remember, next week, a big 45 minute podcast from me all about podcasting at a University. If you have any stories surrounding university podcasting, email me at jdfrey at rice dot edu. I’d love to hear them. The slides and handouts from my session will be posted on the presentations page of my blog: jdfrey.wordpress.com… so go there for more info. Of course you can get to all this information from one of the longest urls in the world… thewhyandhowofpodcasting dot com. I’m J.D. Frey, thanks for listening.


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